Thursday, March 26, 2009


Friday, 24.4.2009

Christian Education Centre Marianum
ulica biskupa Királya 30, Komárno, Slovenská Republika

Rosa Parks screen:

17.00: Not in our name(41‘)
18.00: Our World is Not for Sale(25’)
18.30: The take(78’)
20.30: Riot in your plate (90‘)

Dietrich Bonhoeffer screen:

17.00 Iraq,uncensored(51‘)
18.00 The stroy of stuff(20’)
18.30 Thirst(52’)
20.00:The big sell-out (94‘ )
22.00: Unlike the system(30’)

Saturday, 25.4.2009

Christian Education Centre Marianum
ulica biskupa Királya 30, Komárno, Slovenská Republika

Rosa Parks screen

14.00The stroy of stuff(20’)
14.30 Still far to Africa(34’)
15.15 Reach for the Sky(40’)
16.00 Praque,26th.septembre 2000( 28‘)
16.30 Live shield (30‘)
17.00 Thousands goes, thoudands speaks(32‘)
18.00 Thirst(52’)
19.00 Katrina’s Child(30’)
20.00 The big sellout(94’)
22.00 Not in our names(41’)

Dietrich Bonhoeffer screen

14.00 Maquilapolis(68‘),
15.30 The 4th. world war(74‘)
17.30 China Blue(87‘)
20.00 The end of suburbia (78‘)
22.00 Camp for climate action(62‘)

Sunday, 26.4.2009

Christian Education Centre Marianum
ulica biskupa Királya 30, Komárno, Slovenská Republika

Rosa Parks screen

15.00 Tuvalu: disappearing worlds(16‘)
15.20 The story of stuff(20‘)
15.45 Blok krátkych filmov
[Proper Education, Eric Prydz vs Floyd (4‘), Climate change: a crisis averted(5‘),
Polar bears,(2‘), Blue Man Group (2‘), (4‘) Spencer Tunick & Greenpeace (2‘)]
18.30 Who killed the electric car?(90‘)
20.00 Exxon Mobil: Out of Balance, (65‘)

Dirich Boenhoefer screen :

15.00 Never enough(16‘)
15.15 Oil on the ice(90‘)
17.30 The story of stuff (20‘)
18.00 The end of suburbia(78‘)
19.30 Riot on your plate(90‘)

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